자바스크립트 Spatial Query 소개
2009. 1. 29. 10:31
Ajaxian.com 이란 사이트에서 본 기사이다.
자바스크립트로 처리해야할 기하관련 처리 함수들을 잘 만들어둔 스크립트 라이브러리이다.
보통은 자바의 AWT를 활용해서 처리해서 스크립트에서는 단순히 보여주는 기능만을 구현했었는데 좋은 자료로 보인다.
팀원에게 스터디를 하라고 지시했다. 도움이 많이 될듯...
관심이 있으신 분은 아래의 글을 보시고 링크 따라 가서 보세용~
Chris Zelenak has created Spacial Query a very nice library for spatial math. He told us:
I recently wrote up a library to help me with operations on polygons, and ended up adding some stuff for dealing with matrix, vector and latitude longitude primitives as well. The name is taken from the JQuery style chaining in the library, that I added just because, well...I like JQuery, and I like being able to do things like:
$ll([latitude, longitude]).vector().project_onto([wsg84x, wsg84y, wsg84z]).latlng()It adds a series of $ methods to the global namespace - $p for polygons, $v for vectors, $m for matrices and $ll for latitude/longitude coordinates.
Most vector and matrix operations support calculations to any dimension size.
In cases where they are not supported, one of the two following cases will arise:
- The function will be named
_2d or _3d to indicate what dimension the operated data should be in - The function will throw an error stating that the general case solution has not been implemented yet. (Matrix inversion, for example)