자바 이미지 필터
2009. 2. 3. 22:39ㆍ프로그래밍/Java
Java로 이미지를 다루려다 보니 여러가지 기능이 필요해서 요래 조래 알아봤습니다.
좋은 것들이 눈에 많이 띄네요.
포토샵에 보면 다양한 필터들이 있지요.
그런 필터 기능을 제공하는 라이브러리가 있습니다.
Java Image Filter를 만든 JHLabs를 소개합니다.
Jerry라는 사람이 만들었다는데 다양한 필터 기능을 제공하네요.
The Filters
Color Adjustment Filters
ChannelMixFilter - Mixes the RGB channels
ContrastFilter - Adjusts brightness and contrast
CurvesFilter - Apply adjustment curves to an image
DiffusionFilter - Error-diffusion dithering
DitherFilter - Ordered dithering
ExposureFilter - Change the exposure of an image
GainFilter - Adjusts gain and bias
GammaFilter - Adjusts image gamma
GrayFilter - Grays out an image
GrayscaleFilter - Converts to grayscale
HSBAdjustFilter - Adjusts hue, saturation and brightness
InvertAlphaFilter - Inverts the alpha channel
InvertFilter - Inverts image colors
LevelsFilter - Adjust image levels
LookupFilter - Change image colors with a lookup table
MapColorsFilter - Replace a color
MaskFilter - Channel masking
PosterizeFilter - Posterization
QuantizeFilter - Quantize an image to 256 colors for, say, GIF export
RescaleFilter - Multiplies colors by a scaling factor
RGBAdjustFilter - Adjusts red, green and blue levels
SolarizeFilter - Solarization
ThresholdFilter - Thresholding
TritoneFilter - Create a tri-tone image
Distortion and Warping Filters
BicubicScaleFilter - Scaling with bicubic interpolation
CircleFilter - Wrap an image around a circle
CropFilter - Crop an area from an image
DiffuseFilter - Diffuse the pixels of an image
DisplaceFilter - A glass distortion effect
DissolveFilter - Dissolves an image by turning random pixels transparent
FieldWarpFilter - Warp images using a field warp algorithm
FlipFilter - Flip and rotate images
KaleidoscopeFilter - A kaleidoscope effect
MarbleFilter - A marbling effect
MirrorFilter - Mirror an image
OffsetFilter - Offset an image for tiling
PerspectiveFilter - Perspective distortion
PinchFilter - Whirl-and-pinch distortion
PolarFilter - Convert to and from polar coordinates
RippleFilter - Ripple distortion
RotateFilter - Rotate an image
ScaleFilter - Scale an image with area-averaging
ShearFilter - Shear an image
SphereFilter - Lens distortion
SwimFilter - An "underwater" distortion effect
TileImageFilter - Tile an image into a larger image
TwirlFilter - Distort an image by twisting
WarpFilter - A general grid image warp
WaterFilter - Simulate water ripples
Effects Filters
BlockFilter - Mosaic or pixellate an image
BorderFilter - Add a border
ChromeFilter - Simulate chrome
ColorHalftoneFilter - Color halftoning effect.
CrystallizeFilter - Make an image look like stained glass
EmbossFilter - Simple embossing
FeedbackFilter - A video feedback effect
HalftoneFilter - Simple halftoning
LightFilter - Simulate lights on an bump-mapped image
NoiseFilter - Add noise
PointillizeFilter - Draw an image as colored spots
ShadowFilter - Create drop shadows
ShapeFilter - Create bump maps for lighting
StampFilter - A rubber stamp effect
WeaveFilter - A woven image effect
Texturing Filters
BrushedMetalFilter - Created brushed metal
CausticsFilter - Simulate underwater caustics
CellularFilter - Cellular texturing
CheckFilter - Draw a checkerboard pattern
FBMFilter - Fractal Brownian motion texturing
FillFilter - Fill an image with a color
FlareFilter - Create lens flares
FourColorFilter - Draw a four-color gradient
GradientFilter - Draw radial, linear, fan and square gradients
PlasmaFilter - Create plasma
TextureFilter - Perlin noise texturing
ScratchFilter - Render lines or scratches
SmearFilter - Painting effects
SparkleFilter - Render sparkles
WoodFilter -Create a wood texture
Blurring and Sharpening Filters
BlurFilter - Simple blur
BoxBlurFilter - Box blur
BumpFilter - Edge embossing
ConvolveFilter - General convolution
DespeckleFilter - De-speckle an image
GaussianFilter - Gaussian blur
GlowFilter - Add a glow to an image
HighPassFilter - Remove low spatial frequencies
LensBlurFilter - Simulate camera lens blur
MaximumFilter - Dilation
MedianFilter - Median filter for noise reduction
MinimumFilter - Erosion
MotionBlurFilter - Simulate motion blur
OilFilter - Oil painting effect
RaysFilter - Create light rays
ReduceNoiseFilter - Remove noise from an image
SharpenFilter - Simple sharpening
SmartBlurFilter - A thresholded blur for ironing out wrinkles
UnsharpFilter - Sharpening by unsharp masking
VariableBlurFilter - Blurring with a variable radius taken from a mask
Edge Detection
DoGFilter - Edge detection by Difference of Gaussians
EdgeFilter - Edge detection
LaplaceFilter - Edge detection by Laplace operator
BlurTransition - Transition with a blur
GradientWipeFilter - Use a mask to dissolve one image into another
Alpha Channel Filters
OpacityFilter - Change image opacity
PremultiplyFilter - Premultiply an image
UnpremultiplyFilter - Unpremultiply an image
Other Filters
CompoundFilter - Apply two filters in sequence
IteratedFilter - Iterate another filter
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